How To Say “Happy Valentine’s Day” In Different Languages

Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Musical Contest
When you love someone or something, you know you just want to just share that love and sentiment with the entire world no matter the time, no matter the day, no matter the season. Because love makes you do crazy things. And on Valentine’s Day, love makes you do crazier things. Because this time calls for extra loving and romancing and dancing and singing and whatever more things you can think of. Also, this day calls for cute sayings and sweet nothings, and valentine wishes that make you feel pink and chuffed like how you would feel on a lovely spring day. Now, to greet someone with a nice and honeyed “Happy Valentine’s Day” in a language other than English, here’s a little list for that.
- English: Happy Valentine’s Day (ha-pee va-len-tines day)
- French: Bonne Saint-Valentin (bohn sahn vah-lahn-tahn)
- Filipino (Tagalog): Maligayang Araw ng mga Puso (mah-lee-ga-yang ah-raw nang ma-nga pu-so)
- Turkish: Sevgililer Günün kutlu olsun (sev-gi-li-ler goon-oon kut-loo ol-soon)
- German: Alles Gute zum Valentinstag (ahl-les goo-te tsoom val-en-tin-stahg)
- Spanish: Feliz San Valentín (feh-leez san va-len-tin)
- Brazilian Portuguese: Feliz Dia dos Namorados (feh-lees dee-ah dohs nah-moh-rah-dohs)
- Swedish: Glad alla hjärtans dag (glahd ah-lah yehr-tahns dahg)
- Italian: Felice San Valentino (fe-lee-cheh san va-len-tee-no)
- Ukrainian: З Днем Святого Валентина (z dnem sv-ya-to-ho va-len-ty-na)
- Dutch: Fijne Valentijnsdag (fay-nuh va-len-tijns-dahk)
- Indonesian: Selamat Hari Valentine (seh-la-mat ha-ri val-en-teen)
- Norwegian: God valentinsdag (gohd vah-len-steen-sdag)
- Finnish: Hyvää ystävänpäivää (huu-vaa y-sta-van-paivaa)
- Greek: Ευτυχισμένη μέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου (ef-ti-his-mé-nee mé-ra tu a-yí-u Va-len-tí-nu)
- Vietnamese: Chúc mừng lễ Tình nhân (chook moo-ung leh tinh nyahn)
- Mandarin Chinese: 情人节快乐 (qíngrén jié kuàilè)
- Korean: 즐거운 발렌타인데이 되세요 (jeul-geoun ba-len-ti-nai-dei doe-se-yo)
- Polish: Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Walentynek (vshyst-ke-go na-lep-she-go z o-ka-zhi va-len-ty-nek)
- Russian: С Днем святого Валентина (s dnyom svya-to-go va-len-ti-na)
- Hindi: वैलेंटाइन्स दिवस की शुभकामनाएं (valentine's divas ki shubh-kaam-naayein)